EHC Conference Proposal Deadline Extended to Nov. 15

The Equine History Collective (EHC) invites proposals for its fourth annual (and first hybrid) conference, to take place April 22-24, hosted by the Purdue University Extension. The submission deadline has been extended to November 15, 2021.

As a hybrid conference, speakers will be able to present remotely. We have a wonderful international community, so we will do our best to accommodate different time zones!

From the original call for proposals:

This year’s theme, “All Creatures Great and Small,” invites papers that consider how different animal species affect the lives of equids and vice versa. These species could range from microorganisms to humans, and relate to any equine in the past, including donkeys, mules, zebras, and onagers. Questions to consider might include, but certainly are not limited to: To what extent does the notion of “companion species” help explain and define equines and their interactions with other animals? How do microbiotic and ecological communities influence equine health or well-being?  What key inter-relationships between equines and other species have deep historical significance? Under what conditions have people privileged equine labor over the labor of other species, and why? What are ways in which equids are depicted as companions to other species in literature, art, and film? 

These questions are a starting point for considering horses and other animals. Topics might include: conservation, ecology, epizootic and zoonotic disease, veterinary medicine, One Health, interspecies interdependence and intimacy, animal rights, and more. Papers addressing equine history in any time period are welcome. 

The conference will take place roughly between 9 am-5 pm CDT. As a hybrid conference, proposals for pre-recorded individual papers and lightning talks will also be accepted for anyone who would be unable to attend in person or who would like to add special media or demonstrations that would be difficult to accomplish live. We also accept proposals for alternative presentations like performing art pieces or exhibits, and welcome your creativity. 

Proposals should fall into one of the following categories:

Panel Session (3 to 4 speakers) 

When proposing a panel, we ask that at least one of the speakers be able to present in person. The other papers may be virtual or pre-recorded. 

Panel proposals should include: 

  • Panelists’ names and one-page C.V.s 
  • Name and contact for panel organizer
  • Panel abstract (150 words or less) 
  • Individual abstracts (250 words or less, ea.)
  • Whether the speakers intend to give live, virtual, or pre-recorded papers (subject to change)

Individual Paper (presentation 15-20 minutes) 

Proposal should include: 

  • Name and one-page C.V. 
  • Abstract (250 words or less)
  • Whether the speaker intends to give live, virtual, or pre-recorded papers (subject to change)

Lightning Talk (presentation under 10 minutes)

Proposal should include: 

  • Name and one-page C.V. 
  • Abstract (250 words or less) 
  • Whether the speaker intends to give live, virtual, or pre-recorded papers (subject to change)

Alternative Presentations

These should be virtual or pre-recorded. Examples include: performing art pieces, museum exhibits (video walk through or virtual), demonstrations, etc.

  • Name and one-page C.V. 
  • Abstract/description (250 words or less)
  • Estimated duration 

We understand that contingencies may arise that may prevent a speaker from presenting in the originally intended format (in person, live, pre-recorded). We ask that authors who present a pre-recorded paper be present for the Q&A. 

Deadline for Submission: November 15, 2021

Please submit all materials and direct any questions to

The Program Committee will notify all those who submitted proposals of its decision in December.

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